Do NOT buy another course before reading this urgent alert…

The 2.0 Freelancer’s Ultimate Unfair Advantage

95% freelancers think this is “The End” BUT when used correctly…

It could turn any nOObie or average freelancer into an overnight PRO with higher rates…

WITHOUT working more hours or spending years mastering skills or getting “experience” or getting replaced by this rapidly emerging technology

This is a limited time opportunity for those who don’t want to have an extremely unfair advantage in freelancing…

So read it NOW before this page gets taken down. 

Take a look at this…

Could you guess how long it took me to create this masterpiece?

If you’re guessing 1 month…

15 days…

Or even 5 days…

Then you’re completely wrong.

Because it only took me less than 60 seconds to create this beautiful mock web design. 

And at the end of this letter, I’ll show you how YOU can create this, too…

Even if you’re an absolute freelance beginner…

Or you’ve never created anything like this ever…

Or even if you don’t necessarily feel like you’re not creative or techy at all.


You should be. So let me prove it to you.

What I’m about to show you right here right now is something that can FINALLY give the freelance newbie a rare never before seen advantage…

Something that can allow them to be more valuable than anyone with years or even decades of experience…

A RARE chance for freelance newbies – or average freelancers – to be their client’s Most Valuable Player (MVP)

And here’s the deal…

Stay with me until the end of this letter because I’ll reveal to you the secret to earning more dollars while working less hours and finally getting long term clients…

The secret to clients keeping you in their company even as freelancers with more experience than you are getting laid off…

And it doesn’t require you to spend months to years of mastering skills…

Or to spend a huge amount of money on different mentors who will charge you P10k to P50k a pop…

In a few moments, you’ll have the keys to the kingdom…

The 2.0 Freelancer’s Ultimate Unfair Advantage that could take you from newbie or struggling freelancer to having the success you only once dreamed of…

Through this unfair advantage.

Just imagine…

Being able to confidently pay for your monthly expenses knowing there’s always extra for your wants…

Having the time to watch a movie or two with your family on a weekday…

Being able to wake up anytime you want and work in your living room wearing your pajamas…

Having the confidence that you made the right decision to be a freelancer instead of staying at your full time job…

All while getting clients more easily because you have this unfair advantage that more and more clients have been looking for…

And keep clients paying you longer… 

Because in just a short while…

You’re about to be able to WOW clients with your work even if you only started freelancing 15 days ago.

And if you’re already an experienced freelancer, you get to WOW them with how quickly you’re able to get things done without sacrificing quality.

The very thing that got Google panicking over a loss of billions of dollars on their valuation…

Is the same unfair advantage that levels the playing field and gives YOU the fighting chance to compete with expert freelancers…

And finally come out as the WINNER…

So you can experience a brand new kind of freelancing that allows you to get more done in less time…

Without needing to be an expert.

Hi, I’m Maj Custodio.

And in the past 6 years, I’ve been teaching Filipinos how to work from home while earning double or even triple what they used to make in the corporate world.

But until recently…

The freelancing space has become more and more competitive.

Just a few years ago, anyone and their lola can go to sites like Upwork and Online Jobs and get 3 new clients in a month like clockwork.

Now, with more and more freelancers from all over the world…

For most freelancers, getting hired has become a race to the bottom.

Competing with freelancers from other third world countries, charging super low hourly rates and fighting over the same low-paying demanding clients…

While it seems like only those who have years and years of experience have the chance to charge more while working less…

And work with quality clients.

And over the years, newbies or even average freelancers are finding it harder and harder to compete with more expert and experienced freelancers.

While I’ve helped over 20,000+ freelancers over the years…

I can’t help but notice how much tougher the competition has been for my newer students.

Which was why when I first accidentally made a discovery about this “unfair advantage” that I’m about to share with you…

I immediately held an online event to help freelancers – newbies and average alike – finally beat their competition with 5 to 10+ years of expertise and experience.

And this discovery is the same technology behind ChatGPT…

An unexpected industry disruptor by a company named OpenAI that has multibillion dollar tech giant Google under code red and worrying about their future.

Being able to confidently pay for your monthly expenses knowing there’s always extra for your wants…

Having the time to watch a movie or two with your family on a weekday…

Being able to wake up anytime you want and work in your living room wearing your pajamas…

Having the confidence that you made the right decision to be a freelancer instead of staying at your full time job…

All while getting clients more easily because you have this unfair advantage that more and more clients have been looking for…

And keep clients paying you longer… 

Because in just a short while…

You’re about to be able to WOW clients with your work even if you only started freelancing 15 days ago.

And if you’re already an experienced freelancer, you get to WOW them with how quickly you’re able to get things done without sacrificing quality.

The very thing that got Google panicking over a loss of billions of dollars on their valuation…

You might have seen it in Hollywood movies…

Or series like Black Mirror…

And this multibillion-dollar industry disrupting technology is FINALLY here…

And it could either replace you or help you have a fighting chance against all these so called experts – if you use it right.

Artificial Intelligence: “The End of Freelancers” – or is it?

Just a few weeks ago, the freelancing/ online services world was shaken.

Even big name gurus are expressing their concern about AI.

Why would clients hire expensive graphic designers when they could produce a beautiful art image in less than 30 seconds with Midjourney?

Why would clients hire more assistants when ONE AI-powered assistant can now replace 5 average ones?

Why would they pay to wait for weeks on video editors when AI could just cut, edit, and subtitle their videos for them in 3 minutes?

What’s the use of copywriters when ChatGPT could create an email sequence specifically targeted to clients’ avatar?

Why bother paying for voice actors when AI can copy anybody’s voice for absolutely free?

I know it sounds like it’s all bad news…

But here’s the thing…

So you can either keep up now or be left behind for good…

This isn’t “the future”.

AI is right here, right now…

And clients want to hire more of them with each passing day. 

Just take a look at this:

Just this year, Upwork released their list of AI-powered freelancers. If you look closely, you’ll see literally everyone on this page is charging $30+ per hour.

And clients are more than willing to pay for them.

They get things done efficiently with AI…

They can do more people’s work in literally 1/10 the time…

And they help clients stay competitive in an ever evolving market.

I know this sounds like a freelancer’s worst nightmare come true, but believe it or not…

This RARE opportunity is the Unfair Advantage that turns a newbie into a PRO without having to spend years mastering skills

Just imagine this…

A PRO with 10+ years of experience charging $6,000 for web design takes 12 weeks to complete his/ her project…

While YOU on the other hand charge only $2,000 and can get it done in an afternoon.

And best of all, it’s just as if a PRO created it.

Only it’s 3x more affordable and a looooot faster than the freelance PRO’s output who is stuck in his/her caveman ways and isn’t using AI just yet…

And now, your outputs are at PRO-level thanks to AI…

The ultimate unfair advantage that allows YOU (a newbie or average freelancer) to compete with freelance experts.

So whether you only learned how to do it 5 days ago, the client wouldn’t even care.

Because if you didn’t already know…

Clients want results.

And they want results FAST.

Which is why if you want to grab this rare opportunity to become an AI Pro almost overnight, I’m inviting you to power up with Artificial Intelligence with…


This Artificial Intelligence revolution has come fast, and it’s not stopping anytime soon…

Which means you either get there first…

Or your competition will – and one of you will replace the other.

The question is, which one of you gets there faster to become your clients’ MVP? 

Well, this AI Advantage Vault gives you superpowers you never had access to before.


This Artificial Intelligence revolution has come fast, and it’s not stopping anytime soon…

Which means you either get there first…

Or your competition will – and one of you will replace the other.

The question is, which one of you gets there faster to become your clients’ MVP? 

Well, this AI Advantage Vault gives you superpowers you never had access to before.

Here’s what you get in the AI Advantage Vault:

Unfair Advantage Piece #1

Help your clients distribute their 30-day social media content from weeks…

To 45 minutes!

With AI tools behind you, you won’t have to spend hours upon hours thinking of captions…

Looking for the perfect video time stamps…

Or ever have to go through sleepless nights chasing deadlines and making graphics at 2 AM ever again…

Because AI can do it ALL for you!

Charge anywhere from $500 to $1,000+ per month per client…

And get all the work done in minutes.

Unfair Advantage Piece #2

Who says you’re not an artist?

With your AI Art generator friends like Midjourney, you can create Picasso-level art with just 3 to 5 words…

All in seconds.

This allows you to fight head on with graphic artists who take days or even weeks to create beautiful designs…

By creating high quality art that wows your clients…

In 30 seconds or less.

Unfair Advantage Piece #3

You’ll never have to stare at a blank Google Doc wondering what to write for your clients’ emails ever again.

Just give ChatGPT (or similar sites) the right prompts, and you’ll have a pro copywriter-level email sequence even if you’re just a copywriting newbie!

Unfair Advantage Piece #4

Want to get paid thousands of dollars to write sales pages? Well, now you don’t have to be an A-list copywriter who spent 8 years mastering copy.

Just give the right prompts and you’ll be able to go from writing a sales page in days to weeks…

And cut all that time down into 2 - 4 hours…

With the same depth, accuracy and emotion as if you spent weeks working on your clients’ sales page.

THIS is the ultimate power up for beginner or average copywriters.

Unfair Advantage Piece #5

Become an ad copywriter overnight with effective AI-written prompts.

Just tell your AI who you’re writing for, what business and these juicy prompts…

And you’ll be able to whip up crazy good ad copy your clients will THANK YOU for.

PLUS you get all these YUMMY bonuses:

Yummy Bonus #1

If you missed the free AI Revolution Workshop…

You missed a whole lot of good stuff where I’m demonstrating how different AI tools work LIVE.

But now you get to watch it again and again on REPLAY at your own time and convenience!

Yummy Bonus #1

Some AI tools in the list include:

 ⦿ 41 AI softwares to generate 3D AI Art with just 2-3 words in seconds. Perfect if you’re an artist/ aspiring artist and need a lot of graphics to use for your business/ clients. 

⦿ Audio enhancement tools to make any voice recording or podcast sound smoother and more professional so listeners can enjoy more! 

⦿ Working with code and coders? 10+ AI code assistants that can do a lot of things like producing code without touching your keyboard, getting code done 10x faster, literally creating softwares that can make your life easier (that you can sell to clients!) 

⦿ AI copywriters who write social media posts, sales pages, landing pages and emails in SECONDS for free– or spare change– so you never have to stare at a blank screen or suffer from “writer’s block” ever again 

⦿ Design Assistants that can help you create mockups in 2 minutes so you can work with as many design clients as your heart desires 

⦿ The Ultimate Gary Vee Social Media Domination in seconds: generate short form videos from long from videos INSTANTLY. Say goodbye to time consuming video editing, working up late for subtitles and chasing client deadlines with AI video tools that can help you in minutes. 

⦿ And more!

I know this all sounds super exciting, but let me warn you… 🚨

Right now, only very FEW freelancers are right here on this page who know about this and are preparing to be ready. 

You know what that means? 

This is a VERY LIMITED Time Opportunity for you to beat 95% of your unprepared competition – and you need to do it as fast as you can

So you can either power up now... 

Or you could wait... 

And other newbie and average freelancers who aren't better than you will beat you to it. 

Because once AI goes even more mainstream than it is now... 

It will be the most unforgiving race you'll ever see in your entire life. 

And trust me… 

The RACE to get there first has already started…

The question is will you get there first?

Or will you let other freelancers beat you and replace you?

Because from what I’m seeing and hearing in the freelance industry… 

In the next 5 years, so many freelancers will be displaced and replaced by those who leveled up…

And powered up with AI.

And what was once a green pasture of opportunity to work from your living room and enjoy time, location and financial freedom…

Will become a deadpool of displaced freelancers who find it harder to close even the low-balling clients…

Whether it’s because they got complacent…

Or they leveled up too late…

Or an average freelance newbie turned AI-powered PRO beat them there.

And what you have in front of you is this…

This is your ONLY chance to get there faster than your competition

…Without having to pay an arm and a leg to do it.

Other gurus will charge you anywhere from P50k for a single AI course (especially international gurus).

But because it has always been my mission to support underdogs who started with nothing…

Who are the black sheep of the family…

Who had the courage to start a non-traditional path…

You’re not getting this for anywhere near that.

Because The AI Advantage Vault is YOURS today for only…

Php 20,000

Php 1,999

One Time Payment

And again, here’s what you get:

All for a small investment of only Php 1,999…

Which will future-proof you as a freelancer for the next few years to come.

Imagine this…

5 years from now, most freelancers left and right are getting displaced and replaced…

Even the “pros” with years of experience under their belt who never got to adapt…

Most freelancers are worried and stuck in a never-ending chase of finding the next client while you…

You’re finally getting paid what you’re worth…

You’ve secured your spot as one of your clients’ secret weapons in business and no doubt his MVP…

You’re more efficient than most freelancers, getting more shit done in less time…

Which means you now have more time to enjoy your hobbies…

Or bond with your friends and family even when there’s no occasion…

You’re able to work with more clients and have the funds for your wants…

Whether it’s a new gadget for you…

Or traveling with your family without worrying about the budget…

Or spoiling your loved ones because you can now afford it…

All because you have The Ultimate Unfair Advantage of being an AI-powered freelancer when you click the button below.

This is YOUR chance.

Will you take it?

To going AI Pro first,

Maj Custodio

ai revolution workshop by maj custodio

quickpro academy 2023

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